The ICMA International Regional Summit China in May 2014 attracted coverage by the Chinese media. Three examples appear below. ICMA will post updated versions with English subtitles as soon as they are available.
On May 11-15, 2014, ICMA, the City of Yangzhou, and the ICMA China Center sponsored ICMA's first International Regional Summit, which took place in Yangzhou. Participants included ICMA members and representatives of ICMA's international affiliates; Chinese government officials; and professors from the China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL). The annual spring meeting of the ICMA International Committee also occurred during the event.
Summit presentations centered on the theme "Eco-Friendly Urbanization" and addressed sustainable development initiatives such as clean energy, clean water, clean air, and brownfields redevelopment—all of which are getting increasing attention among local government officials around the world. Chinese cities have been experiencing significant urbanization, making environmental challenges critical concerns for local government.
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