Participation guidelines for Coaching Program State and International Outreach Partners

  • Assign two representatives to the committee (per the agreement);
  • Participate in the annual planning meeting at the ICMA Annual Conference (strongly encouraged but not required);
  • Participate in committee phone calls and email exchanges, as needed, to assist with program development, plan the topics for the following year's webinars, help recommend coaches and webinar speakers in their state, and act as a program steering committee;
  • Some minor administrative duties in states that do not have state association support;
  • Estimated commitment time: 8-10 hours/year.

States can participate at the level of time they can afford, but states that contribute coaches, webinar ideas, and forward materials to their membership will get the most benefit through better engagement.

Some states might want to expand and have their own speed coaching events, establish their own state committees, raise additional funds for state-specific coaching efforts, and so on. Those efforts would be in excess of the 8-10-hour estimate.

Find more resources for you and your agency at For more suggestions on how to maximize the value of the Coaching Program, contact Rob Carty, Director of Career Services, at