What you need:
- A chapter president (student willing to organize the group and shepherd the tasks)
- A faculty advisor (typically an MPA professor or program director)
- A chapter mentor (a local area local government professional, ideally an ICMA member interested in shared responsibility for the success of the chapter)
- A student chapter agreement (must be completed and emailed to careers@icma.org to start a chapter; template available here)
There are no fees for starting chapters, and by establishing the chapter, colleges/universities provide unlimited student membership to all students members. Upon the chapter's establishment, the school will also receive one academic membership, ICMA-branded chapter logos, a number of chapter-specific webinars and audio conferences throughout the year, and a few other benefits.
*Student members individually receive their normal benefits, including online PM Magazine, complimentary registration to the ICMA Annual Conference, and access to all members-only content at icma.org.
Chapters agree that:
- All chapter members will complete the student application.
- Each chapter is responsible for developing a Chapter Charter (sample available in Student Chapter Resources).
- Chapters will communicate with ICMA any issues requiring assistance from the organization.
- At the end of the academic year, each chapter will submit an annual summary detailing activities and accomplishments for sharing with ICMA members.
- Chapter members agree to abide by the ICMA Code of Ethics while they are a member.