Kanunga 2024 conference keynoter

“Ask yourself: ‘How do I try to get myself fired?’” Not something you would expect to hear from a conference keynote speaker, but Shawn Kanungo kicked off the 2024 ICMA Annual Conference with a powerful presentation full of bold questions.

A provocative disruption strategist and leading voice in AI innovation, Kanungo told the audience: “I ask this question because we're so wired in the public sector to maintain the status quo. We're so wired to stay in the middle that you need a provocative question to move the needle. How do I take a small bet today that will change my trajectory and my organization's trajectory? How do I experiment today? How do I try those new tools? The truth is, if you want to innovate, disrupt, or evolve, you need to ask bold questions.”

The Invisible Nature of Trust and Its Evolution with AI

An increasingly important issue in local government is the preservation of public trust, and AI adds another layer to that. Kanungo said, “If 90% of the internet is AI-generated—as some reports suggest will happen by 2026, or even earlier—what does that mean for governments when trust is at stake?” He explained that the rise of AI is challenging traditional notions of trust, prompting questions about how trust will evolve as AI becomes more integrated into society.

While AI offers immense opportunities, it also poses risks such as deepfakes, scams, and the erosion of trust. Society must navigate the challenges of misinformation and develop strategies to maintain trust in an AI-saturated environment.

Infinite Leverage Through Technology

Kanungo mentioned the familiar complaint that the public sector has always had to do more with less. He believes the AI revolution is the long-awaited solution. “Today, we live in a world of infinite leverage. You can do way more with way less.” AI agents can perform complex, multi-step tasks autonomously, signaling a shift in how work is approached. This shift is empowering employees at all levels to become creators and innovators.

Transformative Applications of AI in the Public Sector

AI has significant potential in areas like data analytics, customer service, and process automation within government services. Examples include:

  1. Data Analytics: Utilizing AI to analyze large datasets quickly, revealing valuable insights such as parking violation hotspots, which Kanungo demonstrated in real time. Using data from Mississauga, Canada, within seconds he was able to distill the street address with the highest number of parking tickets.
  2. Customer Service: Creating AI avatars to interact with the public in multiple languages, improving accessibility and efficiency.
  3. Rapid Development: Generating functional prototypes or solutions (i.e., websites, apps) through AI, significantly reducing development time and cost.
  4. The Emergence of AI Agents and the Reasoning Era: Advanced AI models are now capable of reasoning and problem-solving, not just predicting text. 

Redefining Leadership and Skills in the AI Age

“Leaders must adapt by leveraging AI or risk becoming irrelevant.” He emphasized to the room that they themselves are responsible for staying informed about AI. Individuals should proactively engage with AI technologies rather than wait for organizational mandates.

Experimentation and hands-on experience with AI tools are crucial for personal and professional growth. The most valuable skills are shifting from technical knowledge to creativity, innovation, and the ability to challenge the status quo.

Knowledge Isn’t Power, Innovation Is Power

At the end of the session, Kanungo left attendees with an impactful thought. “My parents told me throughout my entire life that knowledge is power. Today, I don't believe it anymore. Not when everyone in the world is going to have access to AI.”

The ability to innovate and act boldly within your own community—and empowering your staff to do the same—will truly be a game-changer for local government.

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