Local revenues and the general fund are reported as the economic development funding sources by close to 90 percent of respondents to ICMA’s 2014 Economic Development survey. The survey was mailed in June 2014 to 5,237 city-type and county governments. A follow-up survey was sent to those who had not responded to the first mailing; an online survey was available as well. The response rate was 23 percent, with 1,201 local governments responding.

Other highlights include:

  • A change in the local economy was the consideration that motivated the choice of economic development priorities for the highest percentage of respondents.
  • High use of a main street program for business retention and expansion was reported by 18 percent of respondents (the highest percent reporting high use of those tools).
  • Among community development tools, high use of investments in high quality of life (good education, recreation, and arts/culture) was reported by the highest percentage (35 percent).
  • None of the other funding sources were reported by a majority of respondents. General obligation and revenue bonds, as well as special assessment districts, were reported by the smallest percentage of respondents.
  • One-stop permit issuance and zoning/permit assistance were the business incentives showing the highest use among survey respondents.

A summary report of the survey results can be found in the Knowledge Network. Articles highlighting the economic development initiatives of local governments that participated in the survey will be developed over the next few months.

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