As we look ahead to 2017, let’s take a moment to look back at what happened in 2016. Here are the most-read ICMA news articles of 2016.

1. Quick Facts on New FLSA Overtime Rules

On May 18, 2016, President Barack Obama and the Department of Labor released its new overtime regulations under the Fair Labor Standards Act. This article highlights several changes that were made to the overtime rules. Keep in mind that a federal judge halted the implementation of the rule which was set to take effect on December 1, 2016, and employers may follow the existing overtime rule until a final decision is reached.

2. Key Findings on Housing Affordability: Local governments increasingly cite high housing costs as a barrier to economic development.

Housing affordability in the United States has been a widely discussed topic since the end of the Great Recession. This ICMA research snapshot highlights four key findings on housing affordability's impact on local governments. 

3. Think It Can't Be Measured? Think Again.

When it comes to performance measurement in local government, some things are easy to measure (911 calls, number of arrests, waste recycled, miles of roadway repaired) and others are not (quality of life, economic vitality, environmental sustainability). Consult this article as a resource to help you overcome these challenging performance measurements.  

4. Nearly a Third of Local Governments Have Adopted Sustainability Plans

This article provides an overview of what local governments are doing to promote environmental sustainability locally by highlighting the findings of ICMA's Local Government Sustainability Practices survey.  

5. New Report: Local Governments Play a Critical Role in Shaping Community Health

Are you looking to improve the health and quality of life for your residents? To help leaders have a mindset on improving their community's health, ICMA developed a new report, “Improving Quality of Life: The Effect of Aligning Local Service Delivery and Public Health Goals.”

6. 4 Resources for Managing Your Community’s Water Supply

Due to the Flint, Michigan, water crisis, water management was a hot button issue for local governments. Utilize these resources to help manage your community's water supply. 

7. Bob O’Neill Named 2016 Administrator of the Year

Brigham Young University’s Romney Institute of Public Management named ICMA Executive Director Bob O’Neill 2016 Administrator of the Year for his leadership in creating excellence in local governance.

8. Marc Ott Addresses Membership at #ICMA2016

At the close of the 2016 ICMA Annual Conference in Kansas City, Missouri, incoming ICMA Executive Director Marc Ott chronicled his personal journey from the housing projects of Pontiac, Michigan, to serving as city manager of Austin, Texas.

9. Funds Available for Body-Worn Camera Programs

Police and public safety officers were covered extensively in 2016. To help increase transparency and accountability among officers communities across the country are implementing body worn camera (BWC) programs. The Bureau of Justice Administration has announced a competitive solicitation for communities seeking to establish or enhance BWC Policy and Implementation programs.

10. How One City Went “All In” to Fight the Opioid Epidemic

Communities across the country are looking for ways to fight to the opioid epidemic, and ICMA has been at the forefront all year in highlighting what communities are doing in response. This article highlights the multitude of strategies Worcester, Massachusetts, has enacted.   


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New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!