The ICMA Executive Board met February 27-March 1, 2020, in Tucson, Arizona, and took the following actions:
- Reviewed ICMA’s six-month financials through December 31, 2019. Overall progress through the second quarter of the fiscal year is on track to meet or exceed budget targets. At this time, it is expected that the FY2019 budget targets will be met, resulting in a positive net contribution of $186,000. As a result, ICMA’s net assets are on track to be at approximately $11.2 million at year-end.
- Received updates on the status of ICMA’s efforts to obtain an office space conducive to innovative, forward-thinking collaboration, as well as ICMA’s efforts to develop a suite of digital products to provide communities, especially small to mid-size, access to affordable innovative technology that would make their operations more effective and efficient.
- Approved the strategic priorities for the association in FY2021.
- Conducted its annual review of ICMA’s financial policies and approved changes proposed by the Audit, Finance, and Business Operations Committee.
- Approved continued funding for ICMA Europe’s operations beyond the initial two-year period.
- Conducted its annual review of Member Task Forces and Committees and approved the creation of one new member committee, one new advisory board, and two new task forces:
- A 2021 Regional Conferences Education Advisory Committee, which would assist ICMA staff with the planning of the education components of the ICMA Regional Conferences.
- A Veteran’s Advisory Board to advise ICMA on the development and improvement of programs and services aimed at improving preparation of the next generation of local government managers, and to build better relationships between the veteran community and local governments. Additionally, the advisory board will support ICMA’s outreach efforts to the active duty military on programs to help better develop partnerships between installations and communities, and ICMA’s professional development programs supporting installation commanders and deputy commanders.
- A Task Force on Members in Transition. This task force will be charged with developing content and guidance for members in transition.
- A Task Force to update the Manager Evaluation Handbook. The handbook was last revised in 2013.
- Approved the interview questions to be used by the 2020 Regional Nominating Committees when interviewing candidates for ICMA Regional Vice Presidents.
- Approved granting life membership in ICMA to Greg Sund.
- Approved a recommendation from the Committee on Professional Conduct (CPC) to place a vote before the membership to adopt new language for Tenets 5 and 6 of the ICMA Code of Ethics. Amendments to the tenets require membership approval while changes to the guidelines require board approval. The proposed change for the tenet would be added to the vice-presidential ballot for consideration in May/June 2020. Following the member vote on the new language for Tenets 5 and 6, the CPC will place revised guidelines before the board for consideration.
New, Reduced Membership Dues
A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!