High winds, hot temperatures and low humidity create the perfect conditions for wildfires. The demands of fighting and containing these fires strain city and county governments. Listed below are some resources that can help you prepare, mitigate, and respond to wildfires in your community:
Surviving a Deadly Wildfire
Santa Rosa, California, Manager Sean McGlynn shares recovery insights.
Wildfire Resources
Wildfires are unplanned fires that burn in natural areas like forests, grasslands or prairies. These dangerous fires spread quickly and can devastate not only wildfire and natural areas, but also communities. Ready.gov offers a variety of resources that are helpful for before and after a wildfire
Wildfire Preparedness Checklist
The Texas Forest Service developed this wildfire preparedness checklist. A checklist is an easy way to ensure that your citizens are prepared for disasters.
Leading Edge Research: Leadership Before, During, and After a Crisis
Crises can happen anytime, anywhere. Prepare your community for disaster with this ICMA report which captures the ideas, feelings, and stories of the professional managers who were involved in different crises. By analyzing their leadership skills and techniques, professional managers can adopt promising practices in crisis leadership.
Leading Edge Research: Disaster Recovery Essentials
Important takeaways from managers’ experiences in eight recovery topics. Each includes a set of related questions to help other managers begin to assess and improve their own capacity to lead a community through recovery.
And be sure to check out two popular ICMA bestsellers: Emergency Management: Principles and Practice for Local Government, 2nd Edition and Managing Fire and Emergency Services. These comprehensive textbooks provide state-of-the-practice resources regarding local government emergency management organization, policy, and implementation.
New, Reduced Membership Dues
A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!