The weight of the August issue of PM magazine [figuratively speaking] is amazing. There are articles with content on main street revitalization, economic development, helping colleagues who might need personal and professional support, and Super Circular: 2 CFR 200. Two articles focus on ethics—“Map Your Path to Election Day, Part 2” and “Strengthening Your Moral Compass.”

I’m pleased to announce the debut of Public Safety Siren, a new PM department that begins in the August issue. It will concentrate on public safety issues, and the first article is “Managing Police Use of Force.”

The Alliance for Innovation (AFI)-written article “Civic Engagement Transformed” shows how engagement with residents has literally transformed local government decision making. Find out how an AFI/Arizona State University/ICMA white paper titled The Connected Community provided a road map for working with residents.

Did you know that any activity in which you engage for only 30 minutes a day—and perhaps don’t always enjoy doing—in the course of a 48-year productive work life will consume one solid year of your life? Bottom line: Perhaps it’s time to simplify your life to counter the impact. Find out how in “Make Your Time Count.”

Four ICMA members—William Horne, Mona Miyasato, Sharon Lynn, and Seth Hoffman—have much to offer new or soon-to-be local government managers by answering the On Point question: What advice would you offer to a first-time local government manager? One tip: Turn on your listening ears.

This year, ICMA established the ICMA member-driven Advisory Panel on Technology Content with financial support from Strategic Partner OnBase by Hyland. Look for the series of articles on technology issues that will be published in PM during the months ahead, beginning now with “Technology: What Managers Want to Know,” an article that examines the reasons for replacing current technology tools.

It doesn’t stop there. Two online-only articles are weighty with information. One is “Supreme Court Review for Local Governments,” describing the outcome of five major cases that impacted local governments during the past term. Another is “Diversity and Inclusion in Rocky Mount,” where staff members learned that diversity is more than just black and white.

Look for more weight to come in upcoming issues. September: the global drive to improve communities’ health and quality of life; October: the opioid epidemic impact on local governments; and November: the active shooter and preparedness steps for local communities.


August 2016 PM Magazine

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