We've added a whole bunch of new resources to the Knowledge Network, take a look.
CityLinks Quarterly Newsletter, March 2015: The March 2015 edition of the CityLinks newsletter introduces the new CityLinks Director, and highlights activities from the Legazpi City - Fort Lauderdale Climate Change Partnership, and the ICLEI Resilient Cities Asia-Pacific congress, as well as the application process for the 2015 Climate Adaptation Partnerhsip Program and the App2Action Challenge.
Urban Intersections Fact Sheet: In order to ensure more sustainable urban development, cities and metropolitan regions need to respond to the challenge of ensuring adequate access to sufficient water, energy, and food for their population in the face of climate change.
This fact sheet was designed to supplement the CityLinks webinar Urban Intersections: Food Security, Water, and Climate Change.
CityLinks Partnership Fact Sheet: Legazpi City, Philippines & Fort Lauderdale, Florida: This fact sheet provides a brief overview of the Legazpi City - Fort Lauderdale Climate Change Partnership including results, cross-cutting recommendations, and lessons learned.
CityLinks Primer on Subnational Approaches for Low Emission, Climate Resilient Development: The Primer is an introduction to the key principles and practices of low carbon, climate resilient development. It includes resources and organizations which provide more in-depth guidance on planning and implementation. It was built around examples of best practices in cities in developing countries, where the term cities applies broadly to government levels below the national level, including regional, state, provincial, district, and city levels.
Free streaming for recent CityLinks webinars:
- Subnational Approaches to Low Carbon, Climate Resilient Development
- Urban Intersections - Food Security, Water, and Climate Change
To learn more about CityLinks, visit our website and like us on Facebook and Twitter. Please visit ICMA International’s site for additional information about the projects ICMA implements around the world. Also, make sure to explore the Georgian Waste Management Technologies in Regions website if you haven't already!
New, Reduced Membership Dues
A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!