A truly unique element of a start-up company is its ability to propel new technologies and little-known localities to the center of the public attention. The time a community invests in start-up companies can go a long way in fostering the type of environments that are conducive to innovation. Local governments worldwide engage in activities to invest in their start-ups, and the Knowledge Network serves as a great resource for information about cultivating local start-ups. Read through the following resources and comment below to share how your community interacts with your local start-up businesses.
- “Business Incubators: Tools for Local Enterprise Development,” highlights the different types of business incubation centers and their various beneficial uses for start-ups.
- Learn how to be the best supporter of your local start-ups in “BusinessWeek Names Sparks, Nevada as the Best City for Starting a Business in Nevada,” a profile on becoming a great supporter of local start-ups.
- ICMA’s Center for Priority Based Budgeting discusses some common qualities of the three best metro areas for high-tech start-ups across the United States in a “Priority Based Budgeting and the Start-Up Revolution!” blog post.
- In the article, “Opportunity Detroit! Future City USA?” the Center for Priority Based Budgeting outlines the transformative effects that start-ups can have on a city.
- “An Inspiring Role for Local Government in Economic Development,” profiles the Rocky Mountain Innosphere and discusses how it provides start-ups with key resources to ensure their success.
These resources, and more, on community development, economic development and business retention can be found on their individual topic pages, but I encourage you to continue the discussion below in this post’s comments section.
James Davidson
ICMA Knowledge Network Intern
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