I worked in Jordan for nearly a year as a business volunteer in 2008-2009 through USAID’s Emerging Market Development Advisor Program.  So I was thrilled to be able to come back to Jordan with ICMA to meet with USAID Mission staff in the region (Jordan and West Bank/Gaza) to talk to them about our new CityLinks program as well as hear about their development priorities in the region.


As we all know, this past year has brought tremendous change to the region.  In Jordan, there has been only peaceful protests and King Abdullah is implementing reforms to keep pace with the needed changes and demands from the citizens.  As Jordanians say, we are a very safe and stable country – we are just in a difficult neighborhood. Very true.


When I was here in 2008, there was upheaval in the region.  There were Iraqi refugees fleeing the war and the battles between Gaza and Israel.  Jordan provided goods, clothing and medical care to the refugees as well as donations of food and medical equipment to the people in Gaza.  


When I drove around Amman, I would see Jordanian license plates – and maybe a few Iraqi license plates.  Sometimes in the summer, I would see cars from the Gulf States – families not fleeing war – but the very hot weather.


However, in Jordan now, I see license plates from many different countries—Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Yemen and Syria.  My friends tell me how lucky I was to get a hotel room because many Libyans have come to Jordan to flee the violence and seek medical care.  Jordan has also just set up the first refugee camp for Syrians fleeing the violence in their country. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has few natural resources, but they do have lots of resources of hospitality and a desire to help and welcome in their neighbors.


So when people in the region need safety and stability – they come to Jordan. 


Ahlan wa Sahlan (Welcome in Arabic)

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