The second quarter of 2012 marked the 12th straight quarter of growth below 2.0% in the cost of government employee wages and salaries, and the 13th such quarter for private sector employee wages according to data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Wages and Salary Q2 2012


The cost of state and local government employee benefits held relatively steady from the first quarter of 2012 (2.3%) to the second quarter (2.7%). Comparatively, private sector employee benefit costs declined sharply, from 2.8% to 1.9% from the first to second quarter of 2012.



U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Benefits Q2 2012

Data on the cost of public and private employee wages and salary and benefits is prepared by the BLS and released quarterly. Data for the third quarter of 2012 is projected to be released on October 31, 2012.

Compiled by NASRA based on data provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

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