This post reveals some of the top books of the year for managers and team leaders, as recorded by the New York Times Best Sellers list for business books.

1. Work Rules! by Laszlo Bock, SVP of People Operations at Google 

WORK RULES! shows how to strike a balance between creativity and structure, leading to success you can measure in quality of life as well as market share. Read it to build a better company from within rather than from above; read it to reawaken the joy in what you do.

2. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

A Times reporter's account on the science behind how we form and break, habits. See what the author has to say on how habits work.


3. Team of Teams by Stanley McChrystal with Tantum Collins, David Silverman, and Chris Fussell

General Stanley McChrystal and his colleagues show how the challenges they faced in Iraq can be relevant to countless businesses, nonprofits, and other organizations. The world is changing faster than ever, and the smartest response for those in charge is to give small groups the freedom to experiment while driving everyone to share what they learn across the entire organization.

4. Triggers Creating Behavior That Lasts--Becoming the Person You Want to Be by Marshall Goldsmith and Mark Reiter

Do you ever find that you are not the patient, compassionate problem solver you believe yourself to be? Are you surprised at how irritated or flustered the normally unflappable you becomes in the presence of a specific colleague at work? Have you ever felt your temper accelerate from zero to sixty when another driver cuts you off in traffic? In Triggers, Goldsmith shows how we can overcome the trigger points in our lives, and enact meaningful and lasting change.

5. Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg with Nell Scovell

Launched in 2013, Sandberg, the chief operating officer of Facebook is still holding strong with Lean In, urging women to pursue their careers with ambivalence. She recounts her own decisions, mistakes, and daily struggles to make the right choices for herself, her career, and her family.

6. Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin

After helping U.S. forces secure Ramadi, Willink and Babin share gripping firsthand accounts of heroism, tragic loss, and hard-won victories in SEAL Team Three’s Task Unit Bruiser; where they learned that leadership—at every level—is the most important factor in whether a team succeeds or fails. Detailing the mind-set and principles that enable SEAL units to accomplish the most difficult missions in combat, Extreme Ownership shows how to apply them to any team or organization.

7. Above the Line by Urban Meyer with Wayne Coffey

A college champion-winning football coach shares his insights on leadership and teambulding. Meyer delivers insights both practical and profound—and applicable far beyond the football field. Packed with real-life examples from a storied season, Above the Line offers wisdom and inspiration for taking control and turning setbacks into victories.

8. The Organized Mind by Daniel Levitin

A professor draws on research in neuroscience to demonstrate how people excel and managing information flow—and how readers can use their methods to regain a sense of mastery over the way they organize their homes, workplaces, and time.



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