ICMA Equity Officer Cohort member speakers outlined just how you can get your organization and community at-large on the crucial path to equity.
In 2021, Aspen will update its CAP for the third time since the plan’s inception in 2006. This time around, Aspen will follow the example of cities that are leading the way by centering the work of climate planning in equity principles.
Following the Supreme Court ruling, the Affordable Care Act remains the law of the land--for now.
It’s time for managers to empower and expect leadership from everyone!
The Supreme Court's opinion in this case is narrow and does little to clarify gay rights versus religious freedom rights.
Local government must meet residents where they are for effective policy and project implementation.
Shape a more inclusive community by learning how to utilize racial equity tools and cultural audits.
ICMA provides actionable steps to help improve the mental health of your community.
Improving cybersecurity without spending a lot of money may seem like an impossible task, but there are a number of simple and low-cost security measures that municipalities can proactively implement to combat ransomware attacks.