This case study describes two of the CityLinks Alaska-Russian Far East partnerships designed to foster economic growth and development. The project in Bolshoy Kamen, Russia, developed an incubator to increase the number of self-sustaining businesses, in turn leading to more jobs in the city and more tax revenues for the local government, and allowing the community to better deliver needed municipal services to its residents. The partnership between Anchorage, Alaska and Nevelsk, Russia, resulted in the creation of a tourism-based business plan that will guide the RFE municipality and the local private sector over the next three years. The activities described here were undertaken as part of the CityLinks Program developed by ICMA and the U.S. Agency for International Development. The program partners U.S. local government professionals with their counterparts in developing and transition countries to identify and implement local solutions to problems; in this case the U.S. cities were Kenai and Anchorage, Alaska.

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