How can wearable fitness trackers make a meaningful difference for employee health, increase productivity, reduce health care costs, and build effective workplace wellness programs? The Sustainable Adams County program was interested in answering these questions, and took an innovative approach to employee wellness through an engaging program that used FitBit activity trackers. Participants in the pilot program were challenged to take ownership over their health, encourage and motivate each other, and meet their fitness goals. By approaching workplace wellness in a creative, challenging, and track-able way the County was able to measure results from the Challenge, which continues to reap positive rewards.
This session will provide an opportunity for participants to not only learn how an innovative program like this was developed and eventually transitioned from the pilot stage to a full year-round program for all employees, but will also provide attendees with the opportunity to troubleshoot the process of developing their own innovative wellness program. Participants will engage in a dialogue and group problem solving and brain storming processes with the goal of addressing road blocks that are often encountered in the development and implementation of innovative employee programs.