The Homes for Generations II program was designed to address Coon Rapids, Minnesota's aging suburban housing stock. Through a combination of financial incentives and community collaboration, homeowners are encouraged to reinvest in their homes. Although the housing crisis is now behind us, many homeowners are still apprehensive about making the kinds of major housing improvements that enrich neighborhoods. Homes for Generations II provides the financial assistance and other resources to make those projects feasible and facilitates an innovative tour of participating homes in an effort to continue to motivate and inspire other homeowners.
The financial incentives include grants, building permit rebates, and low-interest loans. These incentives and the home remodeling tour combine to form a more targeted, comprehensive package than a traditional home improvement loan program. Assistance is open to any homeowner with a house older than 20 years and is aimed at large-scale and value added projects, with a special grant tier reserved for significant exterior “curb appeal” projects that impact the surrounding properties in addition to the one being improved. Additionally, by requiring and subsidizing architectural consultations, homeowners tap into a resource they might have previously considered out of reach. After construction is complete, the home remodeling tour enables the City to further market these success stories as examples to other residents who might be considering to start their own projects. This event allows thousands of curious people to talk face-to-face with architects, contractors, building inspectors, loan officers, city representatives and homeowners who have just remodeled their homes, bringing them one step closer to considering their own remodeling projects.