The Mayor remembered a time thirty years ago when part of Williamsburg’s “cool factor” was the many working artists who lived in the City’s neighborhoods.  Blacksmiths, potters, glass blowers, and others plied their trade in home studios throughout the City.   They earned income working part time or full time with their art.  Many worked in the historic trades division at Colonial Williamsburg.  Rising property values, increased demand for housing, and more restrictive zoning ordinances have priced most of these artists out the City.  Many relocated to less expensive housing in adjacent counties.  Others moved farther away to southwest Virginia or locations out of state that welcomed artists.  Part of Williamsburg’s cool factor disappeared.

After several public meetings, one of which attracted 120 artists to meet on a rare snowy evening, and analysis with Artspace’s expertise, a Task Force recommended the creation of an Arts District in an older mixed-use area with 22 percent commercial vacancy and 78 percent renter-occupied housing stock.  It also recommended commissioning Artspace to conduct its standard Artist Demand Survey to determine options for affordable live/work and stand-alone workspace in the proposed Arts District.


Since the designation of the District, seven creative businesses have opened there, creating 32 jobs.  (Two of these businesses closed in July 2012, reducing the job creation to 28.  Another creative business currently is renovating this now vacant commercial space and should qualify for the District incentives.)  The businesses include bakeries, antique shops, jewelry and art gallery, an art education center, and a dancers’ boutique.  The cool factor increases.

Future steps include looking for workspace for artists, convening the District businesses to form an association to market the District, investigating a creative business incubator, assisting redevelopment opportunities, and seeking opportunities to facilitate affordable artist live/work space.  City Council will fold these next steps into its biennial Goals, Initiatives & Objectives document to be adopted this fall, and the EDA is incorporating them into its Economic Development Plan update. 

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