Event Info


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ICMA Member


In this webinar, you'll join ICMA's Chief Information Officer as he discusses cybersecurity best practices with a fellow CIO from public sector.

This webinar has been rescheduled from Tuesday, September 3rd to Tuesday, October 15th. We apologize for any inconvenience!

Over the past decade, dozens of state and local governments across the United States have been the victims of cyberattacks that have often brought their operations to a grinding halt. According to cybersecurity experts the frequency of these attacks has increased exponentially in recent years, making the need for a strong defense more important than ever. But how do you prepare your jurisdiction for these ever-increasing threats?

In this webinar, you'll join Hemant Desai, ICMA's Chief Information Officer, as he discusses strategies for evaluating the state of your local government's cybersecurity measures with Lea Eriksen, Chief Information Officer for the City of Long Beach, CA. They will cover:

  • The most common IT vulnerabilities and threats faced by local governments.
  • Basic defensive practices applicable to jurisdictions of any size.
  • Where to turn for helpful cybersecurity resources.
  • How to manage new threats posed by the rise of AI.

New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!