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Learn how to better provide advice and guidance for your elected officials' policy decisions without overstepping the bounds of authority.

Of the many obligations a manager juggles, guiding the policy decisions of their elected officials is one of the most challenging. Though the responsibility of determining official policy is firmly in the remit of the council, many elected officials lack the backgrounds or skillsets necessary to do so effectively, forcing the manager to tread the thin line between creating and guiding policy.

In this webinar you'll join Mike Conduff, author of Making It Work: The Essentials of Council-Manager Relations and one of the foremost experts on council-manager relations, as he discusses the nuances of this complicated topic with a panel of fellow managers. They will cover:

  • How to safely, appropriately, and ethically operate in the development of policy
  • Clearly articulating policy pathways and alternatives in such a way as to give elected officials excellent choices
  • Utilizing your advisory role to the governing body to offer appropriate insights based on your experience and expertise
  • Navigating the public engagement component of policy making in a such a way as to draw out community perspectives without being accused of manipulation
  • Monitoring process implementation to inform necessary policy adjustments or modifications


  • Mike Conduff, president & CEO, The Elim Group, Denton, TX
  • Tanisha Briley, city manager, City of Gaithersburg, MD
  • Lori Luther, ICMA-CM, city manager, City of Overland Park, KS
  • Jim Becklenberg, ICMA-CM, city manager, City of Littleton, CO

New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!