City managers, no matter what race, are bound by the ICMA Code of Ethics. [PM Special Supplement, June 2020]
We need a dialogue in our communities and organizations about race, equity, equality, and privilege. [PM Special Supplement, June 2020]
Poverty’s cause and effect in suburban and smaller communities
With fire service consolidation comes greater consistency in planning and response [PM Magazine, July 2020]
A small island takes town meetings online [PM Magazine, July 2020]
Creating a cybersecurity-first culture for a zero-trust smarter city [PM Magazine, July 2020]
Exercise your right to participate in the democratic process while observing a politically neutral stance [PM Magazine, July 2020]
What does it mean to lead during an unprecedented crisis? [PM Magazine, July 2020]
A look at what life is like for a small-town manager [PM Magazine, July 2020]