Sangita Akter serves as the vice president of the ICMA Student Chapter at North South University in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Local Government Management Fellowship work plan from Cumberland County, North Carolina.
Collaboration happens when two or more people or groups work on shared goals in order to create something better.
ICMA announces its 2019 ICMA Annual Conference scholarship opportunities. Deadline to apply is June 10, 2019.
There is never a dull moment working in local government management. [PM Magazine, April 2019]
Four managers and assistants discuss how they have managed to work together for years. [PM Magazine, April 2019]
Trujillo - Villa shares five tips to help you thrive in your new position.<br>
<small>[PM Magazine, April 2019]</small>
How ICMA Opens Doors to Young Professionals<br>
<small>[PM Magazine, April 2019]</small>
Advance Your Goals with Ethical Issues in Mind [PM Magazine April 2019]