Following a four year general budget deficit paired with financial scrutiny the Lower Providence Township had to declare the problems....
The County of Clark’s Social Service department faced a number of issues as a result of the recession including less money, less clients and less employees.
In an attempt to foster community support and engagement the City of Phoenix implemented PlanPHX which was in response to the citizen’s dissatisfaction...
In 2004 the City of San Antonio toted an alarmingly high number of animals euthanized, 90%.
In July 2015, the Planning & Development Department (PDD) enhanced online
services to include real-time permitting.
Coconino County convenes representatives from various county departments to influence a cultural shift towards increased efficiencies across the agency...
Local government and the management profession can be dominated by stories about crime, tragedy, and trauma. It’s important for media sources and publications—including this magazine—to tell the positive stories of management resilience, renewal, and recovery that are taking place around the world.