This Emergency Preparedness Guide provides practical information on how your family can prepare for any disaster.
A reprint from an article that first appeared in American City & County magazine, this article provides recommendations for the integration of 311's functions(...)
This brochure provided an example for engaging voters in issues and encouraging votes for revenue-raising bonds.
In 2006, a national accreditation team gave the Morris County jail top marks and said it was the best-run jail they had ever visited. On May 13, 2009...
2009 TLG Case Study Submittal
Probationary Firefighter Orientation for Osceola County, FL...
The author writes about how property taxes revenues, which normally hold up during recessions, will plummet during this housing downturn....
<p>The City of Santa Monica, California Human Services Division (HSD) announced an 8% reduction in the city’s homeless population, based on its recent count of the city’s homeless. Using a new, rigorous methodology that involves physically counting homeless individuals in every census tract of the city, HSD is demonstrating the early success of Santa Monica’s Action Plan to Address Homelessness, and paving the way for accurate evaluation of progress in the future. The Count tallied 915 homeless individuals living within the City’s borders.<br>