The Solar in Small Communities: River Falls, WI case study explores the City of River Falls’ efforts to stimulate a local solar market...
This interactive workshop, presented by the SunShot Solar Outreach Partnership
The city of Columbia, Missouri has a mix of local policies and programs, which distinguish Columbia as a solar leader among Midwest cities.
As technologies for alternative energy production advance, municipalities in the Delaware Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) region have continually been faced with questions....
The Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) developed a solar map that provides information on a given rooftop’s solar capacity(...)
A common misconception about solar photovoltaic (PV) panels is that they inherently cause or create “too much” glare.
South Bay Cities Council of Governments hosted a day-long solar energy workshop for local governments
Aggregate Net Metering: Opportunities for Local Governments is a report from the North Carolina Solar Center released under the SunShot Solar Outreach Partnership.
As costs of renewable energy come down and more systems connect to the grid, interconnection procedures developed over the last decade are under strain(...)