This template is used by the City of Fort Lauderdale to document the methodology and other important information for each of the City's performance indicators. The Division of Structural Innovation meets with departments to review and refine their performance indicators as part of the budget process. Departments complete this for each performance indicator and the contents of it is reviewed by Structural Innovation. Feedback, assistance, and guidance are then provided to departments to make necessary changes or provide clarification/corrections. The Methodology Sheet captures the following information: indicator name; owner; why the measure is being collected (budget, benchmarking, strategic plan, department scorecard, Vision scorecard – can choose more than one); whether it is a benchmarked measure and if applicable the benchmarking organization; indicator type (input, output, outcome, efficiency, community indicator); why it matters (essentially what the significance to the city and/or department is – why is it important we track this?); the definition and data source (how would this performance measure be recreated? What system does the data come from, what is the formula, who pulls the report, how frequently is the report ran, does any other data go into the calculation, what are the numerators and denominators if applicable, etc.); reporting frequency; accumulation type (sum, average, percent, etc.); unit; future year target; and the target type.

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