It will be a while until the census citizenship question meets its final fate—probably in the United States Supreme Court.
Lisa Soronen helps predict some of the opportunities of the coming year.
The predictions from these experts can offer you a new perspective on important issues in local government.
ICMA and Big 7 partners sent letter to Congress in December 2018 to oppose any federal effort to limit or delay the ability of states to collect sales taxes from remote sellers.
Has your state voted to legalize cannabis for medical or recreational use? Here is a checklist to help communities develop their own policies.
Hot topics include threat of government shut down, taxes, and infrastructure.
As a new tool, EIFDs are partly a learning experience as more local governments begin to establish them.
This letter from ICMA and other local government organizations expresses support for The Unfunded Mandates Information and Transparency Act.
The last two decades have brought waves of significant change to state laws regarding medical and recreational cannabis, which in turn have implications for local governments.