The House voted overwhelmingly to keep the government funded until December 11. Big 7 supports legislation to boost federal share of disaster costs and Treasury modified its FAQs.
Justice Ginsburg was often concerned about the practical implications of cases for states and local governments.
Masks for school personnel and certain other public sector PPE costs are no longer eligible for FEMA’s Public Assistance Program.
The Big 7 signs a letter urging FEMA to continue allowing personal protective equipment (PPE) and disinfectants as eligible reimbursable expenses.
FEMA proposal would eliminate PPE and disinfectants as eligible reimbursable expenses under Public Assistance for COVID-19
Treasury report focused on state spending to date, failing to account for allocated funds and forecasted losses.
Marc Ott joins Big 7 executive directors in pressing for congressional action
HEALS Act offers flexibility for funds already allocated, but no new fiscal relief to address revenue shortfalls
The national associations representing local, state, and territorial governments call on Congress to boost the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage for Medicaid.