The Center for Public Safety Management works to deliver training in a way that minimizes your costs yet maximizes your opportunity.
Using a forensic approach to deploying resources for Police, Fire, EMS and Emergency Management.
Do you know what to do when a crisis strikes your community? Who will be speaking for you? Are there things you can do before a crisis occurs? Where can you get funding for your emergency management program? How do create or update your All-Hazard Emergency Plans?
Are you traditional in your approach to service delivery? Is it time to think about how to deploy resources for a better outcome? Is your deployment efficient, effective, and safe?
Consolidation of public safety services comes in many sizes and shapes. Learn about forecasting the outcome of police and fire mergers.
With many local governments facing revenue reductions into the foreseeable future, are there ways to deploy resources while maintaining service and achieving acceptable outcomes? Working with data can help you make the right decisions so you have the right resources.