2011 Alliance Award Winner - J. Robert Havlick Award.
From its onset, the use of the PPG by the SOAR unit was never intended to be a replacement for commonly used forms of police aviation, such as an airplane or helicopter...
In January 2007 the Palm Bay, FL Police Department and DNA:SI LABSSM started collaborating in an ongoing effort to develop a unique and practical DNA based investigative tool....
City government exists to improve the quality of life of Philadelphians.
With more than 50,000 visitors over several days, the 2008 Democratic National Convention
Clearwater, FL, a popular tourist destination, often faced dangerous traffic jams during the busiest times of the year.
Colorado Springs covers approximately 193 square miles and sits at an altitude of 6,035 feet above sea level.
This document from the U.S. Department of Justice provides and overview of The Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Act of 1976.
Wellington’s Safe Neighborhoods Initiative is a program that is successfully revitalizing and stabilizing our community, neighborhood by neighborhood.
Wellington’s Safe Neighborhoods Initiative is restoring its unique neighborhoods by reducing crime, revitalizing aging...